Hello, it’s been a while since I sent out a newsletter or a blog and as you read on, you will see why.
2024 has been a busy year and a personally challenging one. I have been super busy and as a result, updating my website and building resources has had to be put on the back burner. I have had a year of working with an NHS England Trust and an FE College developing a curriculum, I have published my third book, Being, Becoming and Thriving as an Early Years Practitioner and been continuously juggling my PhD studies and supporting others to research and publish too.
I have also had the good fortune to surround myself with a group of budding writers to develop a series of T Level textbooks. However, with the recent change in government and further changes on the horizon, the pause button has been pressed on this publication until it is clear what is happening to the qualifications in the FE sector. However, I am pleased to say that all the work is stored, and it will be up and running again very soon, and so if you wish to join me in writing and publishing at any time, please get in touch.
And so, what’s next for 2024? Firstly, for those of you who might be interested, I am hosting ‘A Morning of Reflection: Being, Becoming and Thriving’ Sept 7th 10am – 12pm at the Plough and Harrow, Hagley Road, Birmingham. The event will cover the three themes, being, becoming and thriving and include a presentation, discussions and reflections as to how to support your professional practice and your work with students, or children to thrive in a noisy world. You do not have to work in Early Years to join in the morning as the themes are suitable for all age groups. The booking link is here for you https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/a-morning-of-reflection-tickets-922436842427?aff=oddtdtcreator. In fact, there is already a wide range of people attending the event, from past students to tutors to managers to healthcare professionals in a small gathering of inquisitive minds.
Much later in the year, I am also presenting my research on ‘Reflective Spaces’ at Bright Start International Conference at UCL, London, November 22 - 24, 2024. For further details, click the link below https://conferencebrightstartfoundation.org/register.
As you know, my work is multifaceted and I cover Early Years, Further Education and Higher Education and so have been on the road delivering training sessions to staff on neuro-inclusive environments, thinking workshops, reflection and reflective practice, journaling, well-being and more. I have also delivered a few keynotes, and my diary is now beginning to fill up with author visits to FE and HE institutions to discuss my books and my work on reflection and reflective practice. All of this would not be possible without people like yourselves who follow me, subscribe to my website and like my social media posts, so a BIG thank you to you all.
My aim for the summer is to update and post regular resources on my website. It would be wonderful to hear what resources you think would be useful for you all, so please leave a comment with suggestions for me. I am considering a termly newsletter and an accompanying Padlet of resources under the topic headings of reflection, reflective journaling, reflective writing, thinking and well-being. What do you think?
Finally, I wish you all a restful summer and please try to press your pause button, contemplate and reflect upon your year to date. Take time to reflect forward and consider what you wish to achieve in the next academic year.
Take care.
Link to my book